In one of the poorest regions in Tanzania, the evangelical church has initiated several social projects during the last few years. In the surrounding area of Tunduru, a town in the south of Tanzania, in the state of Ruvuma, about 200.000 people are living of whom 100.000 are under 15. For this reason, good education is especially needed. The evangelical church in Tanzania runs schools all around the country. On the basis of their experience, a new Primary School (grade 1 to 7) shall be built in Tunduru, starting in 2019/20.

With your support and huge engagement of volunteers in Tanzania, we can give children and teenager new opportunities. Thank you for your donations!

Account: CVJM Heidelberg-Mitte e.V.
IBAN: DE26 6725 0020 0009 2685 70 (Sparkasse Heidelberg)

Tanzania / Primary School